Bethany Lee

Bethany R. Lee, PhD, MSW, associate professor and associate dean for research, has provided clinical services to older youth in placement settings and conducted research on services for youth in the child welfare system with mental health needs. She has specifically focused on residential or group care placements and the quality of service provision for youth in these settings. Lee serves as senior researcher on Thrive@25, Maryland’s effort to understand and reduce homelessness experiences among youth with foster care histories. She is also working with The Institute as the co-investigator and lead researcher for the National Adoption Competency Mental Health Training Initiative.

Professional Positions

2007-2012 | Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)

2012-present | Associate Professor, School of Social Work, UMB

2013-present | Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Work, UMB

Selected Honors/Relevant State or Federal Committees, Advisory Boards


2003-2006  | National Institute of Mental Health Predoctoral Fellowship, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis

2005 | Competitive fellowship to attend NDACAN Summer Research Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

2006 | Excellence in Teaching Award. Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis

2008, 2010 | Dean’s Teaching Award. School of Social Work. UMB

2008-2009 | NIMH-funded fellowship in Child Mental Health Intervention and Prevention Science (CHIPS)

Relevant State Service

2010 | ember, Children Services Outcome Measurement System (CSOMS) Work Group

2013 | RTC Coalition

Grant Reviewer

2010 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Cooperative Agreement Program for the National Academic Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention (U01)

2010 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (FOA CE10-005), Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury (R01)

2014 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (FOA CE14-006), Research Grants for Preventing Violence and Violence Related Injury (R01)

Selected Presentations, Training, Teaching

Selected Presentations

Greeno, E.J., Lee, B.R., Harburger, D., & Uretsky, M.C. (2016, January). Well-being and psychosocial function of youth in-care and young adults with foster care histories: Implications for practice. ePoster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 20th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Greeno, E. J., Lee, B. R., & Uretsky, M. (2015, October). Findings from a Parenting Intervention for Foster and Kinship Families. Council for Social Work Education. Denver, Colo.

Lee, B. R. (2014, February). In Transition: The Challenges Facing Maryland’s Foster Youth. (Panelist). CASA Maryland. Towson, Md.

Rose, T., Lee, B. R., & Hosen, M. J. (2014, January). Examining strengths among systems of care youth: A latent class analysis. Society for Social Work and Research. San Antonio, Texas.

Lee, B. R., Lindsey, M. L., Hust, J., Estep, K. (2013, June). Using the Common Elements to Engage Families and Youth in Treatment. Presented at the Systems of Care Training Institute. Baltimore, Md.

Lee, B.R. (2011, August). When EBP doesn’t fit (Invited Panelist). Children’s Bureau Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, Washington, D.C.

Barth, R. P., Lee, B. R., Lindsey, M. (2011, August). Evidence-based Practice at a Crossroads: The Timely Emergence of Common Elements and Common Factors. Paper presented at Children’s Bureau Child Welfare Evaluation Summit, Washington, D.C.
Selected Teaching University of Maryland, School of Work:

2007-2016 SOWK 670 Social Work Research (Fall 2007)

SOWK 777 Research In Child Welfare (Spring 2008-Spring 2013)

SOWK 699 Common Elements of Child Mental Health Practice (Spring 2010-Spring 2012)

SOWK 811 Research Practicum II (Fall 2010-2016)

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications, White Papers, Selected Reports

Selected Publications

Greeno, E.J., Uretsky, M.C., Lee, B.R., Moore, J.E., Barth, R.P., Shaw, T.V. (2016). Replication of the KEEP Foster and Kinship Parenting Training program for youth with externalizing behaviors. Children and Youth Services Review, 61, 75-82. doi:

Greeno, E.J., Lee, B.R., Uretsky, M.C., Moore, J.E., Barth, R.P., & Shaw, T.V. (2015). Effects of a foster parent training intervention on child behavior, caregiver stress, and parenting style. Journal of Child and Family Studies, doi: 10.1007/s10826-015-0357-6

Lee, B. R., Cole, A. R., & Munson, M. R. (2014). Navigating Family Roles and Relationships: System Youth in the Transition Years. Child & Family Social Work, 1-10, doi 10.1111/cfs.12160

Schuler, B. R., Lee, B.R., Kolivoski, K. M. Attman, N. P., & Lindsey, M. A. (2014). Implementing a modular research-supported treatment in child welfare: Effects and obstacles. Research on Social Work Practice, doi:10.1177/1049731514563988

Selected Research Support

2014-2019 | Evaluation of Maryland’s Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project. Funded by Children’s Bureau. Salary support: 10-25 percent.

2012-2015 | Evaluation of Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) Quality Demonstration Grant. Funded by Center for Medicaid Services. Salary support: 20 percent.

2008-2011 | Transitioning Youth to Families Project. $144,551. Funded by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Salary support: 25 percent.